Dispase (5 U/mL)

5 U/mL dispase in Hanks' Balanced Salt Solution
Dispase is a protease that is suitable for the gentle dissociation of a wide variety of tissues.

This product contains 5 U/mL Dispase II (neutral protease from Bacillus polymyxa) dissolved in Hanks’ Balanced Salt Solution.
Cell Type
Intestinal Cells, Mammary Cells, Other, Pluripotent Stem Cells, Prostate Cells
Human, Mouse, Rat, Non-Human Primate, Other
Area of Interest
Epithelial Cell Biology, Stem Cell Biology
Document Type 产品名称 Catalog # Lot # 语言
Product Information Sheet Dispase (5 U/mL) 07913 All English
Safety Data Sheet 1 Dispase (5 U/mL) 07913 All English
Safety Data Sheet 2 Dispase (5 U/mL) 07913 All English

Publications (13)

Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 2016 JAN Multisystemic Disease Modeling of Liver-Derived Protein Folding Disorders Using Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs). Leung A and Murphy GJ


Familial transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR) is an autosomal dominant protein-folding disorder caused by over 100 distinct mutations in the transthyretin (TTR) gene. In ATTR, protein secreted from the liver aggregates and forms fibrils in target organs, chiefly the heart and peripheral nervous system, highlighting the need for a model capable of recapitulating the multisystem complexity of this clinically variable disease. Here, we describe detailed methodologies for the directed differentiation of protein folding disease-specific iPSCs into hepatocytes that produce mutant protein, and neural-lineage cells often targeted in disease. Methodologies are also described for the construction of multisystem models and drug screening using iPSCs.
Biomaterials 2015 JUN Arterial specification of endothelial cells derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells in a biomimetic flow bioreactor. Sivarapatna A et al.


Endothelial cells (ECs) exist in different microenvironments in vivo, including under different levels of shear stress in arteries versus veins. Standard stem cell differentiation protocols to derive ECs and EC-subtypes from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) generally use growth factors or other soluble factors in an effort to specify cell fate. In this study, a biomimetic flow bioreactor was used to subject hiPSC-derived ECs (hiPSC-ECs) to shear stress to determine the impacts on phenotype and upregulation of markers associated with an anti-thrombotic, anti-inflammatory, arterial-like phenotype. The in vitro bioreactor system was able to efficiently mature hiPSC-ECs into arterial-like cells in 24 h, as demonstrated by qRT-PCR for arterial markers EphrinB2, CXCR4, Conexin40 and Notch1, as well protein-level expression of Notch1 intracellular domain (NICD). Furthermore, the exogenous addition of soluble factors was not able to fully recapitulate this phenotype that was imparted by shear stress exposure. The induction of these phenotypic changes was biomechanically mediated in the shear stress bioreactor. This biomimetic flow bioreactor is an effective means for the differentiation of hiPSC-ECs toward an arterial-like phenotype, and is amenable to scale-up for culturing large quantities of cells for tissue engineering applications.
PLoS ONE 2015 APR Transcriptional profiling of ectoderm specification to keratinocyte fate in human embryonic stem cells Tadeu AMB et al.


In recent years, several studies have shed light into the processes that regulate epidermal specification and homeostasis. We previously showed that a broad-spectrum γ-secretase inhibitor DAPT promoted early keratinocyte specification in human embryonic stem cells triggered to undergo ectoderm specification. Here, we show that DAPT accelerates human embryonic stem cell differentiation and induces expression of the ectoderm protein AP2. Furthermore, we utilize RNA sequencing to identify several candidate regulators of ectoderm specification including those involved in epithelial and epidermal development in human embryonic stem cells. Genes associated with transcriptional regulation and growth factor activity are significantly enriched upon DAPT treatment during specification of human embryonic stem cells to the ectoderm lineage. The human ectoderm cell signature identified in this study contains several genes expressed in ectodermal and epithelial tissues. Importantly, these genes are also associated with skin disorders and ectodermal defects, providing a platform for understanding the biology of human epidermal keratinocyte development under diseased and homeostatic conditions.
Stem Cell Research 2014 SEP Heterelogous expression of mutated HLA-G decreases immunogenicity of human embryonic stem cells and their epidermal derivatives. Zhao L et al.


Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are capable of extensive self-renewal and expansion and can differentiate into any somatic tissue, making them useful for regenerative medicine applications. Allogeneic transplantation of hESC-derived tissues from results in immunological rejection absent adjunctive immunosuppression. The goal of our study was to generate a universal pluripotent stem cell source by nucleofecting a mutated human leukocyte antigen G (mHLA-G) gene into hESCs using the PiggyBac transposon. We successfully generated stable mHLA-G(EF1$\$)-hESC lines using chEF1$\$ system that stably expressed mHLA-G protein during prolonged undifferentiated proliferation andin differentiated embryoid bodies as well as teratomas. Morphology, karyotype, and telomerase activity of mHLA-G expressing hESC were normal. Immunofluorescence staining and flow cytometry analysis revealed persistent expression of pluripotent markers, OCT-3/4 and SSEA-4, in undifferentiated mHLA-G(EF1$\$)-hESC. Nucleofected hESC formed teratomas and when directed to differentiate into epidermal precursors, expressed high levels of mHLA-G and keratinocyte markers K14 and CD29. Natural killer cell cytotoxicity assays demonstrated a significant decrease in lysis of mHLA-G(EF1a)-hESC targets relative to control cells. Similar results were obtained with mHLA-G(EF1$\$)-hESC-derived epidermal progenitors (hEEP). One way mixed T lymphocyte reactions unveiled that mHLA-G(EF1a)-hESC and -hEEP restrained the proliferative activity of mixed T lymphocytes. We conclude that heterologous expression of mHLA-G decreases immunogenicity of hESCs and their epidermal differentiated derivatives.
Stem Cell Research 2014 NOV Src-family tyrosine kinase activities are essential for differentiation of human embryonic stem cells Zhang X et al.


Embryonic stem (ES) cells are characterized by pluripotency, defined as the developmental potential to generate cell lineages derived from all three primary germ layers. In the past decade, great progress has been made on the cell culture conditions, transcription factor programs and intracellular signaling pathways that control both murine and human ES cell fates. ES cells of mouse vs. human origin have distinct culture conditions, responding to some tyrosine kinase signaling pathways in opposite ways. Previous work has implicated the Src family of non-receptor protein-tyrosine kinases in mouse ES cell self-renewal and differentiation. Seven members of the Src kinase family are expressed in mouse ES cells, and individual family members appear to play distinct roles in regulating their developmental fate. Both Hck and c-Yes are important in self-renewal, while c-Src activity alone is sufficient to induce differentiation. While these findings implicate Src-family kinase signaling in mouse ES cell renewal and differentiation, the role of this kinase family in human ES cells is largely unknown. Here, we explored Src-family kinase expression patterns and signaling in human ES cells during self-renewal and differentiation. Of the eleven Src-related kinases in the human genome, Fyn, c-Yes, c-Src, Lyn, Lck and Hck were expressed in H1, H7 and H9 hES cells, while Fgr, Blk, Srm, Brk, and Frk transcripts were not detected. Of these, c-Yes, Lyn, and Hck transcript levels remained constant in self-renewing human ES cells vs. differentiated EBs, while c-Src and Fyn showed a modest increase in expression as a function of differentiation. In contrast, Lck expression levels dropped dramatically as a function of EB differentiation. To assess the role of overall Src-family kinase activity in human ES cell differentiation, cultures were treated with inhibitors specific for the Src kinase family. Remarkably, human ES cells maintained in the presence of the potent Src-family kinase inhibitor A-419259 retained the morphology of domed, pluripotent colonies and continued to express the self-renewal marker TRA-1-60 despite culture under differentiation conditions. Taken together, these observations support a role for Src-family kinase signaling in the regulation of human ES cell fate, and suggest that the activities of individual Src-family members are required for the initiation of the differentiation program.
Stem cells and development 2014 JUL A simple, cost-effective but highly efficient system for deriving ventricular cardiomyocytes from human pluripotent stem cells. Weng Z et al.


Self-renewable human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) serve as a potential unlimited ex vivo source of human cardiomyocytes (CMs) for cell-based disease modeling and therapies. Although recent advances in directed differentiation protocols have enabled more efficient derivation of hPSC-derived CMs with an efficiency of ∼50%-80% CMs and a final yield of ∼1-20 CMs per starting undifferentiated hPSC, these protocols are often not readily transferrable across lines without first optimizing multiple parameters. Further, the resultant populations are undefined for chamber specificity or heterogeneous containing mixtures of atrial, ventricular (V), and pacemaker derivatives. Here we report a highly cost-effective and reproducibly efficient system for deriving hPSC-ventricular cardiomyocytes (VCMs) from all five human embryonic stem cell (HES2, H7, and H9) and human induced PSC (hiPSC) (reprogrammed from human adult peripheral blood CD34(+) cells using nonintegrating episomal vectors) lines tested. Cardiogenic embryoid bodies could be formed by the sequential addition of BMP4, Rho kinase inhibitor, activin-A, and IWR-1. Spontaneously contracting clusters appeared as early as day 8. At day 16, up to 95% of cells were cTnT(+). Of which, 93%, 94%, 100%, 92%, and 92% of cardiac derivatives from HES2, H7, H9, and two iPSC lines, respectively, were VCMs as gauged by signature ventricular action potential and ionic currents (INa(+)/ICa,L(+)/IKr(+)/IKATP(+)); Ca(2+) transients showed positive chronotropic responses to $\$-adrenergic stimulation. Our simple, cost-effective protocol required the least amounts of reagents and time compared with others. While the purity and percentage of PSC-VCMs were comparable to a recently published protocol, the present yield and efficiency with a final output of up to 70 hPSC-VCMs per hPSC was up to 5-fold higher and without the need of performing line-specific optimization. These differences were discussed. The results may lead to mass production of hPSC-VCMs in bioreactors.
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