Human Recombinant IL-17A

Interleukin 17A
Interleukin 17A (IL-17A) is the founding member of the family of cytokines that includes IL-17B through IL-17F. It is a potent pro-inflammatory cytokine that plays a key role in defense against pathogens. IL-17A and IL-17F signal as homodimers or heterodimers through the same receptor, and activate NF-κB, MAPK, and C/EBP pathways (Gaffen). IL-17A is produced by Th17 cells, CD8+ T cells, γ/δ T cells, natural killer (NK) T cells, B cells, innate lymphoid cells, and mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) (Cua & Tato; Gaffen; Mojsilović et al.). IL-17A mediates protection against extracellular pathogens, and together with IL-22 stimulates production of antimicrobial peptides. It induces granulopoiesis factors and neutrophil-specific chemokines. Together with tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), IL-17A induces a sustained neutrophil recruitment during inflammation (Cua & Tato). IL-17A receptor is expressed at particularly high levels on stromal cells, including MSCs. IL-17A increases the frequency and the average size of fibroblast colony-forming units (CFU-F), as well as the proliferation of marrow-derived MSCs. It enhances osteogenic differentiation, and inhibits adipocyte differentiation and chondrogenesis (Mojsilović et al.).
Alternative Names
CTLA-8, IL-17, Interleukin-17, Interleukin-17A
Cell Type
B Cells, Lymphocytes, T Cells, T Cells, CD4+, T Cells, CD8+
Area of Interest
Molecular Weight
31.3 kDa
≥ 95%
Document Type 产品名称 Catalog # Lot # 语言
Product Information Sheet Human Recombinant IL-17A 78032, 78032.1 All English
Safety Data Sheet Human Recombinant IL-17A 78032, 78032.1 All English


(A) The biological activity of Human Recombinant IL-17A was tested by its ability to produce IL-6 in NIH 3T3 cells. Production of mouse IL6 was measured after 48 hours of culture. The EC50 is defined as the effective concentration of the growth factor at which IL-6 production is at 50% of maximum. The EC50 in the above example is 2.7 ng/mL.
(B) 1 ug of Human Recombinant IL-17A was resolved with SDS-PAGE under reducing (+) and non-reducing (-) conditions and visualized by Coomassie Blue staining. Human Recombinant IL-17A is a homodimer of 15.7 kDa subunits with a predicted total molecular mass of 31.3 kDa.
