Human Recombinant GRO-alpha (CXCL1)

Growth-regulated oncogene alpha
GRO (growth-regulated oncogene)-alpha or CXCL1 is a member of the CXC family, which plays an integral role in recruitment and activation of neutrophils in response to tissue injury and microbial infection. GRO-alpha was initially identified by its growth stimulatory activity on malignant melanoma cells (Anisowicz et al.; Bechara et al.). GRO-alpha is closely related to GRO-beta (CXCL2), GRO-gamma (CXCL3), and interleukin 8 (CXCL8). Receptor-binding studies have demonstrated that GRO-alpha, -beta, and -gamma signal mainly through G protein-coupled receptor CXCR2 (Ahuja & Murphy). GRO-alpha is expressed in epithelial cells, monocytes, fibroblasts, and melanocytes, and is further induced during inflammatory, epithelialization, and angiogenic processes, such as during healing of human burn wounds (Zaja-Milatovic & Richmond). GRO-alpha, along with CXCL8, has been found to be critical for neutrophil mobilization and degranulation, as well as for vascular permeabilization and angiogenesis (Rudack et al.). GRO-alpha also stimulates mitogenesis in certain human melanoma cells (Unemori et al.).
Alternative Names
GRO-1, Growth related oncogene alpha, Melanoma growth stimulating activity alpha, MGSA-a, MGSA-alpha, NAP-3, Neutrophil activating protein 3
Cell Type
Cancer Cells and Cell Lines, Endothelial Cells, Granulocytes and Subsets
Area of Interest
Angiogenic Cell Research, Cancer Research, Epithelial Cell Biology, Immunology
Molecular Weight
7.8 kDa
≥ 95%
Document Type 产品名称 Catalog # Lot # 语言
Product Information Sheet Human Recombinant GRO-alpha (CXCL1) 78063, 78063.1 All English
Safety Data Sheet Human Recombinant GRO-alpha (CXCL1) 78063, 78063.1 All English


(A) The biological activity of Human Recombinant GRO-alpha (CXCL1) was tested by its ability to mobilize Ca2+ in CHO-K1/Gα15/hCXCR2 cells (human Gα15 and human CXCR2 stably expressed in CHO-K1 cells). Ca2+ mobilization was measured using a fluorometric assay method. The EC50 is defined as the effective concentration of the growth factor at which Ca2+ mobilization is at 50% of maximum. The EC50 in the example above is less than 0.1 μg/mL. (B) 2 μg of Human Recombinant GRO-alpha (CXCL1) was resolved with SDS-PAGE under reducing (+) and non-reducing (-) conditions and visualized by Coomassie Blue staining. Human Recombinant GRO-alpha (CXCL1) has a predicted molecular mass of 7.8 kDa.
