Human Recombinant Activin A, ACF

Activin A, animal component-free
Activin A is a member of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) family of proteins produced by many cell types throughout development (Gurdon et al.). It is a disulfide-linked homodimer (two beta-A chains) that binds to heteromeric complexes of a type I (Act RI-A and Act RI-B) and a type II (Act RII-A and Act RII-B) serine-threonine kinase receptor (Attisano et al.). Activins primarily signal through SMAD2/3 proteins to regulate a variety of functions, including cell proliferation, differentiation, wound healing, apoptosis, and metabolism (McDowell et al.). Activin A maintains the undifferentiated state of human embryonic stem cells (James et al.; Xiao et al.) and also facilitates differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into definitive endoderm (D’Amour et al.). This product is animal component-free.
Alternative Names
Activin beta-A chain, EDF, Erythroid differentiation protein, FRP, FSH-releasing protein, INHBA, Inhibin betaA chain, Inhibin beta-1
Cell Type
Endoderm, PSC-Derived, Mesoderm, PSC-Derived, Other, Pluripotent Stem Cells
Area of Interest
Epithelial Cell Biology, Stem Cell Biology
Molecular Weight
13.1 kDa monomer; 26.2 kDa dimer
≥ 95%
Document Type 产品名称 Catalog # Lot # 语言
Product Information Sheet Human Recombinant Activin A, ACF 78132, 78132.1, 78132.2 All English
Safety Data Sheet Human Recombinant Activin A, ACF 78132, 78132.1, 78132.2 All English


(A) The biological activity of Human Recombinant Activin A, ACF was tested by its ability to inhibit proliferation of MPC-11 cells. Inhibition of cell proliferation was measured after 66 hours of culture using a fluorometric assay method. The EC50 is defined as the effective concentration of the growth factor at which cell proliferation inhibition is at 50% of maximum. The EC50 in the example above is 0.436 ng/mL. (B) 1 μg of Human Recombinant Activin A, ACF was resolved with SDS-PAGE under reducing (+) and non-reducing (-) conditions and visualized by Coomassie Blue staining.
