EasySep™ Direct Human B-CLL Cell Isolation Kit

Immunomagnetic negative selection from whole blood kit
This kit isolates untouched and highly purified B-CLL cells directly from human whole blood by fully immunomagnetic negative selection. The depletion cocktail in this kit does not contain antibodies against CD43, which can be expressed on malignant cells in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) samples.

This cell isolation kit targets non-B cells for removal based on specific surface antigens. Unwanted cells are labeled with antibodies and EasySep™ Direct RapidSpheres™, and separated using an EasySep™ magnet. Desired cells are simply collected into a new tube and can immediately be used in downstream applications such as nucleic acid extraction, flow cytometry or culture.
• > 99.9% RBC depletion without the need for density gradient centrifugation, sedimentation, or lysis
• Fast, easy-to-use and column-free
• Isolated cells are untouched
  • EasySep™ Direct Human B-CLL Cell Isolation Kit (Catalog #19664)
    • EasySep™ Direct Human B-CLL Cell Isolation Cocktail, 2 x 2.5 mL
    • EasySep™ Direct RapidSpheres™, 4 x 2.5 mL
Magnet Compatibility
• EasySep™ Magnet (Catalog #18000)
• “The Big Easy” EasySep™ Magnet (Catalog #18001)
• Easy 50 EasySep™ Magnet (Catalog #18002)
• EasyEights™ EasySep™ Magnet (Catalog #18103)
Cell Isolation Kits
Cell Type
B Cells
Sample Source
Whole Blood
Selection Method
Cell Isolation
Area of Interest
Cancer Research, Immunology


Starting with human whole blood from normal healthy donors, the typical B cell (CD3-CD19+) content of the non-lysed final isolated fraction is 87.0 ± 7.6% (gated on CD45) or 84.1 ± 11.7% (not gated on CD45)

Figure 1. Typical EasySep™ Direct Human B-CLL Cell Isolation Profile

Starting with human whole blood from normal healthy donors, the typical B cell (CD3-CD19+) content of the non-lysed final isolated fraction is 87.0 ± 7.6% (gated on CD45) or 84.1 ± 11.7% (not gated on CD45). In the example above, the B cell (CD3-CD19+) content of the lysed whole blood start and non-lysed final isolated fraction is 4.3% and 88.0% (gated on CD45), respectively, or 4.3% and 86.2% (not gated on CD45), respectively. The starting frequency of B cells in the non-lysed whole blood start sample above is 0.004% (data not shown). The purity of isolated cells is typically higher when processing samples that have an elevated starting frequency of B cells (e.g. CLL samples).
