ErythroClear™ Red Blood Cell Depletion Kit

Red blood cell depletion kit for small-volume cord blood samples
ErythroClear™ is intended for the depletion of red blood cells (RBCs) from up to 16 small volume (50 - 100 µL) fresh or frozen cord blood samples at a time. ErythroClear™ reagent contains immunomagnetic particles that bind to Glycophorin AB+ cells, which are then selectively depleted using an ErythroClear™ magnet. This product is recommended for the depletion of RBCs in cord blood samples prior to downstream assays (e.g. CFU assay, ALDHbr assay).

The ErythroClear™ Red Blood Cell Depletion Kit (Catalog #01739) contains an ErythroClear™ magnet and ErythroClear™ reagent. The ErythroClear™ magnet is not sold separately and is only available when purchased as a part of this kit.

The ErythroClear™ Red Blood Cell Depletion Reagent Kit (Catalog #01738) contains ErythroClear™ reagent only, and is suitable as a refill for labs that already have an ErythroClear™ magnet. The ErythroClear™ magnet is required for use of the ErythroClear™ reagent.
• Requires only 2 minutes per sample
• Significantly more effective in depleting RBCs than gravity sedimentation methods
• Compatible with downstream assays (e.g. CFU assay, CD34, ALDEFLUOR™ [Catalog #01700], and ALDECOUNT™)
• Does not alter the frequency of CFUs, CD34+, or ALDHbr cells
  • ErythroClear™ Red Blood Cell Depletion Kit (Catalog #01739)
    • ErythroClear™ Red Blood Cell Depletion Reagent, 2 x 2 mL
    • ErythroClear™ Magnet
  • ErythroClear™ Red Blood Cell Depletion Reagent Kit (Catalog #01738)
    • ErythroClear™ Red Blood Cell Depletion Reagent, 2 x 2 mL
Cell Isolation Kits
Cell Type
Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells, Red Blood Cells
Sample Source
Cord Blood
Selection Method
Cell Isolation
Area of Interest
Cord Blood Banking, Stem Cell Biology


RBC Depletion of Whole Cord Blood Sample Using ErythroClear™

Figure 1. RBC Depletion of Whole Cord Blood Sample Using ErythroClear™

Representative Flow Cytometry Plots of Whole Cord Blood Samples Stained for GlyAB and CD45 Before and After RBC Depletion with ErythroClear™

Improved Visualization of Cord Blood-Derived Colonies in CFU Assays After RBC Depletion with ErythroClear™

Figure 2. Improved Visualization of Cord Blood-Derived Colonies in CFU Assays After RBC Depletion with ErythroClear™

Representative STEMvision™ images of cord blood CFU assays (A) with and (B) without ErythroClear™ RBC depletion prior to plating. The expanded orange circles illustrate that it is easier to identify small or diffuse colonies in MethoCult™ medium that is free of RBC background (A vs. B).

ErythroClear™ Does Not Change the Frequency of CFUs in Cord Blood Samples

Figure 3. ErythroClear™ Does Not Change the Frequency of CFUs in Cord Blood Samples

The frequency of CFUs in Erythroclear™ depleted (y-axis) and non-depleted (x-axis) cord blood samples are shown. One half of each cord blood sample was processed with ErythroClear™ prior to plating in MethoCult™ H4434 Classic medium. The other half of each sample was plated without RBC depletion. The total number of CFUs in the RBC depleted and non-depleted samples were scored manually after 14 days of culture (n = 32 fresh (triangle) and 8 frozen (circle) cord blood samples, solid line = linear regression best-fit, dotted lines define 95% confidence intervals). The frequency of CFUs in each sample before and after removal of RBCs using ErythroClear™ is highly correlated (coefficient of determination R2 = 0.83). The average recovery of total nucleated cells (TNCs) after RBC depletion with ErythroClear™ was 75%.

The Frequency of CD34+ Cells in Cord Blood is Not Changed After RBC Depletion with ErythroClear™

Figure 4. The Frequency of CD34+ Cells in Cord Blood is Not Changed After RBC Depletion with ErythroClear™

Shown are the percentages of GlyAB-CD45+ cells that are CD34+ in cord blood samples before (light gold) and after (gold) RBC depletion with ErythroClear™. There was no significant difference in the frequency of CD34+ cells in this population before and after RBC depletion for each sample (p>0.01). The recovery of CD34+ cells after RBC depletion with ErythroClear™ was 70%. Additionally the frequency of GlyAB-CD45+ that are ALDHbright (data not shown) was not significantly different after ErythroClear™ treatment (p>0.01), and the recovery of these cells was 66%. (n = 8 frozen whole cord blood samples, processed and analyzed separately in triplicate, columns with error bars represent mean ± S.D.).

Publications (1)

Transfusion 2017 Development and testing of a stepwise thaw and dilute protocol for cryopreserved umbilical cord blood units. R. Pasha et al.


BACKGROUND It is clinically important to maintain high viability and potency of umbilical cord blood units (CBUs) for transplantation during thawing. In the absence of a standard thawing protocol, this study was designed to develop one based on the consensus practice of transplant centers and address the shortage of dextran 40 thawing solution. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS Frozen CBU aliquots were thawed using dextran 40 thawing solution while manipulating temperature and volume of diluent and mode of dilution. The effects of these on CD45+ and CD34+ cell viability were measured through annexin V and SYTOX green staining. The developed protocol was then used to compare dextran 40 and PLASMA-LYTE A thawing solutions and finally tested on whole CBUs. RESULTS Step-by-step investigations resulted in the development of a protocol that thaws and dilutes CBUs with room temperature diluent to five times the original volume using two sequential dilutions separated by equilibration times. PLASMA-LYTE A diluent provided superior viability of CD45+ and CD34+ cells than dextran 40 and recovered more colony-forming units. However, both diluents were equally effective in maintaining stability of the thawed CBU for 4 hours. Moreover, the stem cell-enriched CD34+CD38- subpopulations appeared more resistant to cryoinjuries than their CD34+CD38+ counterpart. CONCLUSION The developed thawing protocol recovers viable CD45+ and CD34+ cells above the standard thresholds and maintains CBU potency. PLASMA-LYTE A for thawing solution proved to be an efficient alternative to dextran 40. Finally, greater dilution should be avoided to maintain the viability of CD45+ cells and maximize graft cell dose.
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