LysoBrite™ Lysosome Dyes

Fluorescent dyes used to label and track lysosomes in live cells

LysoBrite™ dyes are fluorescent dyes that selectively stain lysosomes and other acidic organelles. Due to their hydrophobic nature, LysoBrite™ dyes permeate live cells and selectively accumulate in the lysosomes via the lysosome’s pH gradient. The fluorescence property of these dyes significantly increases within the lysosome’s acidic environment; this fluorescence can be measured using flow cytometry and fluorescence imaging. Due to their selective fluorescence inside lysosomes, LysoBrite™ dyes provide low background and high contrast during imaging. They can be used with proliferating and non-proliferating cells, and are suitable for suspension and adherent cells.

Cell Type
Area of Interest
Autophagy, 干细胞生物学
CAS Number


Data and Publications


Image of H9 embryonic stem cells stained with LysoBrite™ Lysosome Dye.

Figure 1. LysoBrite™ Lysosome Dyes Can Be Used to Stain Embryonic Stem Cells

H9 embryonic stem cells were plated in mTeSR™ Plus (Catalog #100-0276) on Corning® Matrigel®-coated 35 mm glass-bottom dishes for 24 hours, then stained with LysoBrite™ Lysosome Dye, Green (green), and counterstained with Hoechst 33342 (blue).
