Cell Navigator™ Cell Plasma Membrane Staining Kits

For staining cell plasma membranes in fixed cells

Cell Navigator™ Cell Plasma Membrane Staining Kits contain a fluorescently labeled dye for staining the plasma membrane in fixed cells. The fluorescently labeled dye stains the plasma membrane without showing cell-type differences as observed with lectins. The dye can be used as a segmentation tool during high-content screening. Cell Navigator™ Cell Plasma Membrane Staining Kit, Deep Red includes Cellpaint™ Deep Red, Live Cell Staining Buffer, and DMSO. Cell Navigator™ Cell Plasma Membrane Staining Kit, Green includes Cellpaint™ Green, Live Cell Staining Buffer, and DMSO.

  • Cell Navigator™ Cell Plasma Membrane Staining Kit, Deep Red (Catalog #100-0834)
    • Cellpaint™ Dye, Deep Red,1 vial
    • Assay Buffer, 50 mL
    • DMSO, 200 µL
  • Cell Navigator™ Cell Plasma Membrane Staining Kit, Green (Catalog #100-0835)
    • Cellpaint™ Dye, Green,1 vial
    • Assay Buffer, 50 mL
    • DMSO, 200 µL
Area of Interest


Data and Publications


Image of HL-60 cells stained with Cell Navigator™ Cell Plasma Membrane Staining Kit.

Figure 1. Cell Navigator™ Cell Plasma Membrane Staining Kit Can Be Used to Stain Cancer Cell Lines

HL-60 cells were stained with Cell Navigator™ Cell Plasma Membrane Staining Kit, Deep Red in a 96-well black wall/clear-bottom plate. Cells were imaged using a fluorescence microscope equipped with a TRITC filter.
