EpiCult™ Plus Medium

For culture of human, mouse, and rat epithelial stem cells
EpiCult™ Plus Medium is a serum- and BPE-free culture medium for the expansion of epithelial stem cells from mammary, prostate, and other stratified and pseudostratified epithelial tissues from human, mouse, and rat. Epithelial cells can be expanded in EpiCult™ Plus Medium for multiple passages and for > 30 population doublings; for some human mammary cells, addition of fetal bovine serum may be required.

EpiCult™ Plus Medium is not recommended for human keratinocytes or primary human airway cells; for culturing primary human airway cells, we recommend PneumaCult™-Ex Plus Medium (Catalog #05040).

Note: Hydrocortisone Stock Solution (Catalog #07925) is required for preparation of complete EpiCult™ Plus Medium.
• A serum- and BPE-free cell culture medium that supports increased proliferation of epithelial stem cells compared to conventaional media
• Cells maintain expansion capability beyond 30 population doublings without senescence
• Maintains epithelial stem cells that can differentiate into cell types present in the tissue of origin
• Provides consistent performance between passages and experiments
  • EpiCult™ Plus Basal Medium, 490 mL
  • EpiCult™ Plus Supplement, 10 mL
Specialized Media
Cell Type
Epithelial Cells
Cell Culture
Area of Interest
Epithelial Cell Biology
Document Type 产品名称 Catalog # Lot # 语言
Product Information Sheet EpiCult™ Plus Medium 06070 All English
Safety Data Sheet 1 EpiCult™ Plus Medium 06070 All English
Safety Data Sheet 2 EpiCult™ Plus Medium 06070 All English


EpiCult™ Plus Enables the Long-Term Growth of Epithelial Stem Cells From Prostate and Mammary Tissues

Figure 1. EpiCult™ Plus Enables the Long-Term Growth of Epithelial Stem Cells From Prostate and Mammary Tissues

(A) Mouse mammary, (B) mouse prostate, and (C) human prostate samples were established and expanded in EpiCult™ Plus. Growth curves from three independent samples are shown here.

Human Mammary Epithelial Cells Expand More Rapidly When Cultured in EpiCult™ Plus Compared to Conventional Epithelial Cell Expansion Media

Figure 2. Human Mammary Epithelial Cells Expand More Rapidly When Cultured in EpiCult™ Plus Compared to Conventional Epithelial Cell Expansion Media

Human mammary epithelial cells expanded in EpiCult™ Plus (solid line, solid markers) can be grown beyond 20 population doublings while cells grown in conventional epithelial cell expansion medium (dotted line, solid markers) senesced after approximately 10 population doublings. The addition of FBS to EpiCult™ Plus (solid line, open markers) allowed further expansion of the human mammary epithelial cells.

Cells Cultured in EpiCult™ Plus are Maintained in a Basal-Like State

Figure 3. Cells Cultured in EpiCult™ Plus are Maintained in a Basal-Like State

EpiCult™ Plus maintains epithelial stem cells in a basal-like state as observed by the marker expression of CD49f in (A) mouse mammary, (B) mouse prostate, (C) human mammary, and (D) human prostate epithelial cells that were cultured in EpiCult™ Plus for a minimum of 8 passages. Flow cytometry analysis shows > 99% expression of CD49f across tissues.

Epithelial Cells Expanded with EpiCult™ Plus can be Differentiated as Organoids

Figure 4. Epithelial Cells Expanded with EpiCult™ Plus can be Differentiated as Organoids

Mouse epithelial cells were expanded in EpiCult™ Plus and differentiated into either (A,B) prostate or (C,D) mammary organoids. (B,D) Both mouse prostate and mammary organoids express the luminal marker keratin 8 (K8) (green) and the basal marker keratin 14 (K14) (red) by immunofluorescence microscopy; nuclei are counterstained with DAPI.
