ClonaCell™-CHO ACF Supplement

Animal component-free, serum-free, glutamine-free 40X supplement for cloning during CHO cell line development
ClonaCell™-CHO ACF Supplement is a serum-free and animal component-free supplement that is added to protein-free media in order to increase cloning efficiency and promote robust growth of CHO cells. The 40X supplement can be added to a variety of protein-free liquid or semi-solid cell culture media to increase the growth and single-cell cloning efficiency of suspension-adapted CHO cells. The supplement contains recombinant proteins and phenol red, and does not contain animal components, serum, hydrolysates, L-glutamine, or selection agents.
• Significantly increases single-cell cloning efficiency of CHO cells in protein-free liquid or semi-solid media
• Compatible with a wide variety of commercially available liquid or semi-solid protein-free media
• Allows the user to maintain existing upstream and downstream cell culture processes
• Recombinant proteins, phenol red, and chemically defined components
Cell Type
CHO Cells
Cell Culture
Area of Interest
Antibody Development, Cell Line Development, Drug Discovery and Toxicity Testing
Animal Component-Free, Serum-Free
Document Type 产品名称 Catalog # Lot # 语言
Product Information Sheet ClonaCell™-CHO ACF Supplement 03820 All English
Safety Data Sheet ClonaCell™-CHO ACF Supplement 03820 All English


Cloning efficiencies of CHO-S and CHO-K1 cells in protein-free media from different commercial suppliers with and without addition of ClonaCell™-CHO ACF Supplement

Figure 1. Cloning efficiencies of CHO-S and CHO-K1 cells in protein-free media from different commercial suppliers with and without addition of ClonaCell™-CHO ACF Supplement

The bar graphs illustrate the cloning efficiency of untransfected CHO-S (A) and CHO-K1 (B) cells, defined as the percentage of wells in 96-well plates that contain greater than 100 cells after 14 days of incubation. Individual wells of a 96-well plate were seeded with an average cell density of one cell per well in 200 µL cell culture medium and incubated at 37°C and 5% CO 2. All conditions contained 6 - 8 mM L-glutamine. Cloning efficiencies in various protein-free cell culture media with (blue) or without (grey) addition of ClonaCell™-CHO ACF Supplement or in DMEM + 10% FBS (orange bar) are shown. Error bars represent the standard deviation based on triplicate data for each condition, except Medium 2 (both with and without ClonaCell™-CHO ACF Supplement), for which the average of duplicate data is shown. Medium 1 = ClonaCell™-CHO CD Liquid Medium, Medium 2 = Gibco® CD CHO Medium, Medium 3 = Gibco® CD OptiCHO™ Medium, Medium 4 = Lonza PowerCHO™2.
