CD34+ Progenitor Reprogramming Kit

Integrated workflow containing tools to isolate and expand CD34+ progenitor cells from peripheral blood and their subsequent reprogramming to iPS cells
The CD34+ Progenitor Reprogramming Kit contains an integrated set of tools and reagents to enrich, expand and reprogram CD34+ progenitor cells from human peripheral blood samples.
• Optimized for enrichment, expansion and reprogramming of CD34+ progenitor cells expanded from peripheral blood samples
• Improved reprogramming efficiency and higher frequency of iPS cell colonies, compared to traditional hES cell medium
• Rapid emergence of large colonies with high quality iPS cell-like morphology facilitates identification and subcloning
• Seamlessly integrates with TeSR™ and STEMdiff™ products for downstream maintenance and differentiation of iPS cell lines
  • SepMate™-50 (Catalog #15440)
  • Lymphoprep™ (Catalog #07801)
  • Complete Kit for Human Whole Blood CD34+ Cells (Catalog #15086)
    • RosetteSep™ Human Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Enrichment Cocktail, 3 x 2 mL
    • EasySep™ Human CD34 Positive Selection Cocktail, 0.4 mL
    • EasySep™ Dextran RapidSpheres™ 50100, 1 mL
  • StemSpan™ SFEM II (Catalog #09605)
  • StemSpan™ CD34+ Expansion Supplement (Catalog #02691)
  • ReproTeSR™ (Catalog #05926)
    • TeSR™-E7™/ReproTeSR™ Basal Medium
    • ReproTeSR™ 25X Supplement
Specialized Media
Cell Type
Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells, Pluripotent Stem Cells
Cell Culture, Reprogramming
StemSpan, TeSR
Area of Interest
Stem Cell Biology


Typical Performance of the EasySep™ Complete Kit for Human Whole Blood CD34+ Cells

Figure 1. Typical Performance of the EasySep™ Complete Kit for Human Whole Blood CD34+ Cells

(A) In whole PB, the proportion of CD34+/CD45+ cells is typically very low (<1%). (B) In the RosetteSep™ enrichment step, unwanted cells are removed during density gradient centrifugation. This step enriches the population of CD34+/CD45+ cells (19.8%) in this example). (C) After positive selection of CD34+ cells using EasySep™, a highly pure population of CD34+/CD45+ cells (96.2% in this example) can be obtained. Values are reported as a percentage of viable CD45+ cells.

StemSpan™ SFEM II and CD34+ Expansion Supplement Support Expansion of CD34+ Cells

Figure 2. StemSpan™ SFEM II and CD34+ Expansion Supplement Support Expansion of CD34+ Cells

TNC: Total Nucleated Cell

Schematic of ReproTeSR™ Reprogramming Timeline

Figure 3. Schematic of ReproTeSR™ Reprogramming Timeline

ReproTeSR™ is used during the entire induction phase of reprogramming (day 3 to 21). On days 3 and 5, ReproTeSR™ is added to StemSpan™ growth media (in a fed-batch manner) to facilitate attachment of transfected cells. Attached cells are further cultured in ReproTeSR™ with daily full media changes until putative iPS cell colonies emerge (days 21-28). iPS cell colonies can then be isolated and propagated in TeSR™ media. (mTeSR™1, TeSR™2, TeSR™-E8™).

Blood Cell Reprogramming Efficiencies Are Higher in ReproTeSR™ Medium Compared to in hESC Medium

Figure 4. Blood Cell Reprogramming Efficiencies Are Higher in ReproTeSR™ Medium Compared to in hESC Medium

Efficiency of reprogramming (A) erythroid cells, or (B) CD34+ cells using episomal reprogramming vectors is higher in ReproTeSR™ medium compared to in KOSR-containing hESC medium. Data shown are mean +/- SEM, erythroid cells n=4, CD34+ cells n=5.

ReproTeSR™ Generates iPS Cell Colonies With Superior Colony Morphology

Figure 5. ReproTeSR™ Generates iPS Cell Colonies With Superior Colony Morphology

Representative images of iPS cell colonies generated from isolated CD34+ progenitor cells using (A) ReproTeSR™ and (B) hESC) medium. iPS cell colonies produced using ReproTeSR™ exhibit more defined borders, compact morphology and reduced differentiation compared with hESC medium. 200X magnification.

Reprogramming Efficiency of CD34+ and Erythroid Progenitor Cells With ReproTeSR™

Figure 6. Reprogramming Efficiency of CD34+ and Erythroid Progenitor Cells With ReproTeSR™

Average values in bold (range).
