STEMdiff™ Sensory Neuron Maturation Kit

Maturation kit for generation of functional sensory neurons from human iPS cell-derived sensory neuronal precursor cells

Maturation kit for generation of functional sensory neurons from human iPS cell-derived sensory neuronal precursor cells

⦁ Reduce animal usage by eliminating costly dorsal root ganglia explant workflows
⦁ Mature and maintain sensory neurons seamlessly following STEMdiff™ Sensory Neuron Differentiation Kit
⦁ Streamline PSC-derived sensory neuron generation with a simple, easy-to-use media format
⦁ Obtain physiologically relevant results with integrated BrainPhys™ media supporting neuronal activity and maturation
  • BrainPhys™ Neuronal Medium, 100 mL (Catalog #05797)
  • STEMdiff™ Sensory Neuron Maturation Supplement, 25 mL
Cell Type
PSC衍生神经细胞, 神经元
免疫细胞化学, 分化, 功能检测, 细胞培养, 表型, 表征
BrainPhys, STEMdiff
Area of Interest
疾病模型, 神经科学, 药物发现和毒性测试


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Experimental Protocol for STEMdiff™ Sensory Neuron Differentiation and Maturation Kits

Figure 1. Schematic for the STEMdiff™ Sensory Neuron Culture System Protocol

Sensory neurons can be generated in 7 days from sensory neuron precursors after 6 days in STEMdiff™ Sensory Neuron Differentiation Medium. For the differentiation of sensory neuron precursors from hPSC-derived neural crest cells, see the PIS.

Figure 2. STEMdiff™ Sensory Neuron Kits Promote Differentiation Across Multiple Embryonic Stem and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Lines

NCCs generated from hPSCs in mTeSR™ Plus using the STEMdiff™ Neural Crest Differentiation Kit were differentiated and matured to sensory neurons using the STEMdiff™ Sensory Neuron Differentiation and Maturation Kits. (A) Sensory neurons were generated after hPSC-derived NCCs were cultured with the STEMdiff™ Sensory Neuron Differentiation Kit for 6 days and then the STEMdiff™ Sensory Neuron Maturation Kit for 6 days. The resulting cultures contain a population of cells expressing sensory neuron markers peripherin (green) and BRN3A (red) along with (B) neuronal marker class III β-tubulin (TUJ1, red). (C) Midbrain neuron controls generated with STEMdiff™ Midbrain Neuron Differentiation and Maturation Kits do not have detectable peripherin (green) or BRN3A (red) expression, although they express (D) neuronal marker class III β-tubulin (TUJ1, red). Nuclei are labeled with DAPI (blue). Human ES and iPS cell lines were maintained in either mTeSR™1, TeSR™-E8™, or mTeSR™ Plus and differentiated with STEMdiff™ Neural Crest Differentiation Kit, followed by STEMdiff™ Sensory Neuron Differentiation and Maturation Kits. The percentage expression of (E) BRN3A+ and (F) TUJ1+ cells in the resulting cultures was quantified. This differentiation generated BRN3A+ sensory neurons (25.3% ± 6.9%, mean ± SEM; n=7 cell lines, 3 - 23 replicates per condition) that expressed neuronal marker class III β-tubulin (TUJ1; 90.3% ± 4.1%, mean ± SEM; n=4 cell lines, 3 - 12 replicates per condition). Numbers are % positive over total DAPI in a tiled image. NCCs = neural crest cells; hPSCs = human pluripotent stem cells; ES = embryonic stem; iPS = induced pluripotent stem
