STEMdiff™ Endothelial Expansion Medium Kit

Expand human pluripotent stem cell-derived endothelial cells
STEMdiff™ Endothelial Expansion Medium Kit (Catalog #08007) includes the xeno-free endothelial expansion basal medium and supplement, and must be used in conjunction with Animal Component-Free Cell Attachment Substrate. STEMdiff™ Endothelial Expansion Medium is optimized for the expansion of hPSC-derived endothelial cells and for the maintenance of endothelial marker expression. For passaging, Animal Component-Free Cell Dissociation Kit (Catalog #05426) is required.

NOTE: Heparin Solution (Catalog #07980) is required for preparation of complete STEMdiff™ Endothelial Expansion Medium.
  • STEMdiff™ Endothelial Expansion Medium Kit (Catalog #08007)
    • STEMdiff™ Endothelial Expansion Basal Medium, 120 mL
    • STEMdiff™ Endothelial Expansion 5X Supplement, 30 mL
Cell Culture Media and Supplements
Specialized Media
Cell Type
Endothelial Cells
Cell Culture, Expansion
Area of Interest
Disease Modeling, Endothelial Cell Biology


Figure 1. Schematic Workflow of Endothelial Induction Using the STEMdiff™ Endothelial Kit

In Phase 1, human embryonic stem (ES) or induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells are cultured in a TeSR™ maintenance medium (mTeSR™ Plus, mTeSR™1, or TeSR™-E8™). On Day 1 (Phase 2) of the protocol, cells are ready for induction into early mesoderm progenitor cells by replacing TeSR™ medium with STEMdiff™ Mesodermal Induction Medium (MIM). By Day 3 (Phase 3), STEMdiff™ Mesoderm Induction Medium is replaced with STEMdiff™ Endothelial Induction Medium to derive endothelial cells. On Day 7, cells are passaged 5 - 6 times onto cultureware pre-coated with Animal Component-Free Cell Attachment Substrate in STEMdiff™ Endothelial Expansion Medium (Phase 4).

Figure 2. Endothelial Cells Expand Faster in STEMdiff™ Endothelial Expansion Medium Compared to Serum-Containing Medium

STEMdiff™ Endothelial Expansion Medium (A) sustains expansion rate in later passages and leads to (B) superior expansion of hPSC (C1 cell line)-derived endothelial cells when compared to serum-containing medium.
